So I Love Sailing and All Things Nautical

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So I write naval adventure stories which have a relationship running through them and yes there is sex in there.  But what people must remember is that in the times I write about (and I have researched them) it was socially acceptable for wealthy women to have affairs etc., in fact they basically did what they wanted to. Being the wife of a naval officer was no exception, especially when your husband was away for months sometimes years at a time.

My love of sail began when I was younger and it drove my desire for knowledge and history of the Royal Navy.  I started sailing on the Crouch a place where you can make mistakes without them turning into disasters moved to the south coast of England and tried cross-channel sailing where you can bump into things did this for around 20 years and I never got tired of the thrill it gave me.  I took my Yacht Master course along with a few others passed and studied for my Ocean Master. The most important things you have to know when sailing is your limitations if you grow up sailing things become instinctive but if like me you start later in life you have to study before you make a complete fool of yourself.

When I wrote A Plymouth Story I was way out to sea, felt the spray on may face as the ship caught the wind in her sails and heeled over on a tack, or, in my mind’s eye, I clung to the rigging like Aubrey in Master and Commander, feeling the wind in my hair (not that I have any now) but you get the picture. Adventure and a love of ships, boats and anything else that sailed was and still is my passion. So when you read  A Plymouth Story you will understand where I was.  As for A Soldiers Wind and A Bengal Poppy well they were both born out of a challenge, but that’s another story….

(c) Michael Douglas Bosc – Author

About michaeldouglasbosc

I am retired and live with my wife on a small olive finca in the middle of a forest in the mountains of Spain in Catalonya. I served 9years in the armed services, am an engineer and because of my love of navy sailing ships a naval historian of the 1700-1800's, plus the author of 10 books. When I retired I started writing adult books my first being A Soldiers Wind. Then came Stanley's story again adult books such was his life. Another book on life in the 1950's this very much an adult book. I have now returned to my love of the sea and my latest navy book 'A Plymouth Story' follows the life of Dr James Blackstock. But Clearing In The Forest is an historical fantasy set in the middle ages at the end of King Johns reign. All the books are published on Kindle and Create a Space in paperback. I have worked all my life and for relaxation I sailed a coastal yacht for many years, but deep inside me was a writer waiting to get out. So when I retired I started writing I find story telling both relaxing and - for me - a pleasure.
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