Well Its Like This……

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“Well its like this your honour. There I was minding my own business, fast asleep when this here Jason Watson turned up and hauled me off to China to see how he helped the East India Company to sell opium to the Chinese in return for silver.  No your honour he is not a man you can say no to, and believe me I have tried. Not only did he get me involved with pirates, but wars, bandits and a woman, as if he hadn’t got enough on his hands with his wife in England.

He comes in the night and starts telling me what has happened and what will happen and goes on and on until I get up switch on the machine and write it all down. As if that’s not bad enough he then comes and wakes me again to come here and tell you how it is. He is a good man at heart but can’t sit still I shall be glad when he goes back to sea. Any chance of a war to keep him occupied?”

This is how it felt when I was writing A Bengal Poppy.  After a day of writing tweaking and re-writing to make sense of it I would go to bed tired out but content. Then Jason would turn up and either say what he was doing, had been doing, was going to do next or just plain bitch about what he didn’t like in the story so far.  (Should have made him a politician!) so once again I would get up and find myself working at god knows what hour of the morning.

But that as they say is the life of a writer and to be honest I would not change it or my characters. All I ask of them is to be allowed to get a little sleep….please.

(c) M D Bosc  –  Author


About michaeldouglasbosc

I am retired and live with my wife on a small olive finca in the middle of a forest in the mountains of Spain in Catalonya. I served 9years in the armed services, am an engineer and because of my love of navy sailing ships a naval historian of the 1700-1800's, plus the author of 10 books. When I retired I started writing adult books my first being A Soldiers Wind. Then came Stanley's story again adult books such was his life. Another book on life in the 1950's this very much an adult book. I have now returned to my love of the sea and my latest navy book 'A Plymouth Story' follows the life of Dr James Blackstock. But Clearing In The Forest is an historical fantasy set in the middle ages at the end of King Johns reign. All the books are published on Kindle and Create a Space in paperback. I have worked all my life and for relaxation I sailed a coastal yacht for many years, but deep inside me was a writer waiting to get out. So when I retired I started writing I find story telling both relaxing and - for me - a pleasure.
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